A community approach to learning

Preparing for your first year of university can be stressful. Choosing the right courses, fitting them into a schedule that works – it's a lot. And the thought of being alone in a crowd of strangers in an unfamiliar place can be overwhelming. Avoid the stress with Q'ushin'tul (Walking Together) and get ready for a successful university career.

What is Q’ushin’tul (Walking Together)?

With Q'ushin'tul you get a bundle of first-year university courses to take at the Cowichan campus. The bundle includes three courses in the Fall Semester and three in the Spring.

Courses that connect

These courses meet the first-year requirements for many programs. They cover a broad range of study areas and give you a solid foundation to build on. You can add courses to your schedule if you want, but you don't have to. The three courses meet the minimum for full-time student status.

Familiar faces

You'll take those courses with the same group of peers in both semesters. You'll also have opportunities to connect with other Q'ushin'tul students outside the classroom.


You and the other Q'ushin'tul (Walking Together) students will share the first-year journey. Along the way you can form study groups, support each other and become a community.

Fall 2023 Semester


ENGL 115 - (University Writing and Research)


THEA 115 - (Participatory Drama I)


HHS 263 - (Elder Teachings Across Disciplines)


 Spring 2024 Semester


CRIM 200 - (First Peoples, Colonization, and Justice)


SCIE 254 - (Our Physical World)


MARK 160 - (Introduction to Marketing)


A trail on a hillside in a cedar forest

"The spirit of Q'ushin'tul is to walk together in everything: education, employment, and life. At VIU we are walking together with students to create a balance of education and values based in indigenous ways of knowing and being." – VIU Elder Hwiem' (Marlene) Rice

Why the name Q’ushin’tul (Walking Together)?

Q’ushin’tul is a Hul’qumi’num word that translates to Walking together. Q’ushin’tul is an Indigenous approach to education that promotes academic success and student well-being.

Who can take part in Q’ushin’tul (Walking Together)?

Anyone who wants to take first-year university courses is welcome to sign up for Q’ushin’tul (Walking Together).

How do I apply for Q’ushin’tul (Walking Together)?

Email Qushintul@viu.ca or visit the Cowichan Advising Centre to discuss whether this is the right opportunity for you.

Email Us
four students walk down the stairs of the Cowichan campus

We're so excited for students to join this new learning community!

Q’ushin’tul is a wonderful opportunity for students to connect with diverse curriculum taught by creative professors who will build relationships, provide extra supports, and facilitate cool assignments in and around the Cowichan Campus.

We can't wait to welcome you to this bundled set of courses lead by professors who are developing interdisciplinary, place-based curriculum that will engage a cohort of learners who will get an awesome educational experience with a spirit of fun, inclusivity and tons of camaraderie infused into the programming. – Eliza Gardiner, Q'ushin'tul Coordinator